Finding Balance in Your Job Search as a Queer ADHDer

Imagine this: it’s a rainy Sunday afternoon, and instead of curling up with a good book or binge-watching your favorite series, you're glued to your laptop, scrolling through job listings. Again. Sound familiar? If you're anything like I used to be, a Queer ADHDer on the job hunt, you've probably been there. Now, as a career coach, I see burnout all the time in my clients. And let’s be real—burnout isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a full-on reality. In fact, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), employees who are less comfortable talking about their mental health at work are more likely to report feeling burnout and their mental health suffering because of work. We’re here to talk about it, laugh about it, and most importantly, find a way through it together.

Why Burnout Hits Us Hard

Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. For those of us that fit into the AuDHD, Queer, or otherwise marginalized boxes, this stress can be even more amplified by fact that we already face unique challenges in the job market such as discrimination, lack of understanding, and the constant search for inclusive workplaces. Burnout can manifest in various ways, including chronic fatigue, detachment from job search activities, and a decline in productivity. It’s no wonder we’re often left feeling drained. But here's the tea: addressing burnout is crucial, and it's something we need to tackle head-on to keep our mental health in check.

Signs You’re Burning Out
(and yes, if you’re reading this it’s probably happening to you)

1. Advice Overload

Ever feel like every piece of job search advice you get just doesn’t cut it? It’s like trying to use a spoon to cut a steak—frustrating and pointless. You read articles, attend webinars, and ask for advice from friends and family, but nothing seems to make a difference. If you’re drowning in tips and none of them seem to work, burnout might be lurking around the corner. It’s overwhelming to sift through endless suggestions, only to find that you’re still in the same place you started. The stress and anxiety build up, making it even harder to stay motivated and keep pushing forward.

2. Job Applications Taking Over Your Life

If your life is starting to revolve around endless job applications, with zero time left for fun or relaxation, it’s a sure sign you’re heading toward burnout. The constant pressure and lack of down time can be incredibly draining, both mentally and physically. Balance is key, and right now, you’re teetering on the edge. It's important to recognize the importance of taking breaks and allowing yourself moments of leisure to recharge. Without this balance, you risk impacting not only your productivity but also your overall well-being and happiness.

3. Stress Mounting to Epic Proportions

The stress of hearing nothing back from potential employers can be truly overwhelming and emotionally draining. If this lack of response has got you questioning everything about yourself, including something as fundamental as whether or not your use of pronouns is turning recruiters away, it's a clear signal that you need to take a step back. It's important to hit pause, give yourself some space to breathe, and reassess your approach and mindset. Taking this time can help you regain perspective and ensure that you are taking care of your mental and emotional well-being during this challenging job search process.

Why It’s Important to Nip Burnout in the Bud

Ignoring burnout is like ignoring a leaky faucet—it only gets worse over time. Addressing it now means saving your sanity and mental health later. Plus, if you're exhausted and overwhelmed, you can't be intentional in your job search. No one can make mindful, strategic decisions when they’re running on empty. We need to keep our cool, stay sharp, and maintain a positive mindset to successfully land that dream job we’ve been aiming for. Taking care of ourselves is crucial in this journey, as it ensures that not only can we present the best version of ourselves to potential employers, we can authentically live as our best selves.

Sustainable Job Search Strategies

Now, let’s get into some strategies that can help us keep burnout at bay. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where we’re productive but not overwhelmed.

1. Set Realistic Goals

Instead of applying for every job under the sun, set daily or weekly application goals. Quality over quantity, folks. According to Indeed, focusing on a few quality applications per day is more effective than sending out dozens. Their research suggests that applying to 2-3 quality jobs per day, tailored to your skills and interests, can lead to better outcomes than mass-applying to numerous positions.

Instead of applying for every job under the sun, take a more strategic and focused approach by setting daily or weekly application goals. This method emphasizes the importance of quality over quantity, ensuring that each application is well-tailored and thoughtfully prepared. By dedicating time and effort to fewer applications, you increase your chances of standing out to potential employers and making a stronger impression.

2. Take Breaks

Yes, take actual breaks. It is important to step away from the screen, whether you are working or studying (or doomscrolling on social media). Consider going for a walk outside to get some fresh air, or engage in an activity that brings you joy, such as reading a book, playing an instrument, or spending time with people you love. Your brain (and heart and soul) will thank you for this and it will help you to return to your tasks with a refreshed and clear mind.

3. Find Your Support System

Join supportive groups or engaging online or IRL communities specifically designed for Queer ADHDers. In these spaces, you can openly share your personal experiences, receive valuable advice, and get some much-needed encouragement from people who truly understand what you're going through. Remember, we’re in this together, and every bit of support helps in making our journey a little easier and more manageable!

Claim Your Career: Your Path to a Balanced Job Search

Here’s where Claim Your Career comes in. This innovative program is designed with people like us in mind, offering tailored guidance and support to help us navigate the often overwhelming and complex job market without losing our minds. I’ll provide a range of resources, from resume building and interview preparation to networking strategies and career development workshops.

Recognizing and addressing job search burnout is vital. By implementing sustainable strategies, we can keep our well-being intact and improve our job search outcomes. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for my insider email list to be one of the first to know when the next cohort of Claim Your Career is announced!


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