Job Search Strategy
for ADHDers

a training for folks with ADHD who want to land their dream job without sacrificing their mental health in the process

Searching for a new job doesn’t have to fill you with anxiety or drain all of your time and energy. With the right guidance and a sustainable approach, you can get results without burning out.

As ADHDers and NeuroQueers, most of the job
search advice out there doesn’t work for us.

“Customize your resume for every
single application”

takes so much mental effort and energy and requires spoons we don’t have

“Post regularly to LinkedIn to stand out, be a ‘thought leader’ for your industry”

I don’t have the time, energy, or interest to manage yet another social platform, let alone become a content creator just to get a job

“Network with people in your industry”

you lost me at the word “network” because socializing with strangers requires so much masking it’ll take me days to recover

“Beat the ATS/Bots/AI”

while not NeuroQueer or ADHD-specific, this concept is a straight-up myth often shared by people who have never worked in a recruiting/HR role

you need a sustainable job search strategy that:

✨ works with your brain, not against it.

✨ is effective, but doesn't take up all of your time and mental energy.

✨ can be customized based on your mood and level of energy/focus.

It’s not easy to go through a job search…

It’s even harder to go through alone, without the support of someone who truly understands.

once you implement these methods,

don’t be surprised if…

√ Filling out applications feels easier and faster to complete

√ Searching for new opportunities seems like it takes less time and less mental energy

You have more available time in your day because you’re not spending hours on scattered tasks

It feels weird at first to not spend as much time on your search (this is a normal reaction!)

You have better boundaries around your job search and are more present when enjoying your free time

You are ghosted less, and start to get more positive responses to your applications

What we’ll cover:

  • step-by-step roadmap on how to conduct your search (that makes the most of your time and energy)

  • tips and tricks that will help you gain more traction from your applications, from a recruiter who has supported hiring leaders in a variety of spaces including marketing, design, sales, operations, HR, nonprofit, startup, and more

  • techniques to keep you motivated and avoid burnout, like setting boundaries and checkpoints

  • organization hacks that will save you time and energy

  • advice from a queer ADHDer on how to navigate each part of the application (like whether or not to answer "diversity surveys")

What you’ll get

🎥 45-minute video training and detailed transcript with slide images, making it easy to follow along

📓 Resources to support your job search:

  • Figuring out what salary to ask for

  • LinkedIn guide featuring Liora’s “Set It & Forget It” approach

  • Organization hacks and tutorials

  • Application tracker

  • Interview prep worksheet

  • Interview communication scripts

This training can help many job seekers,
but is especially for those who:

✅ want a clear method to approach their job search and application process

✅ feel like the standard job search advice doesn't work for them

✅ are tired of hearing career advice from neurotypicals who don't understand executive dysfunction

✅ are confused by all the conflicting advice posted by LinkedIn "influencers"

✅ doubt and second-guess themselves, questioning if they're "doing the right thing" in their search and application approach

✅ feel overwhelmed and "all over the place" when they sit down to do their applications

✅ want to hear from an experienced recruiter who also understands the struggles of ADHDers

Who you’ll learn from:

Hi!!! I'm Liora, a queer AuDHD career coach and inclusive recruiting consultant who firmly believes that NeuroQueers deserve thriving careers.

Before I found myself in recruiting I bounced around into different jobs all the time (classic ADHDer, you might say). TBH it was impressive if I even made it a full year in a single job.

I worked in food service for over a decade, was a corporate and freelance graphic designer for years, and have had many little jobs in between. Eventually I found myself in the world of recruiting and have been in that space for over 7 years. But collectively my career has given me over a decade of experience in hiring and training in various industries.

I learned soooo much after I became a recruiter, which is why I started Colorful Futures — to better serve the folks these corporate systems weren't built for.

I absolutely love sharing all that knowledge with you, my ADHD, AuDHD, autistic, queer community 🌈

At Colorful Futures, we are committed to ensuring our resources are accessible to as many folks as possible. That's why we implemented sliding-scale pricing, allowing you to select a tier that aligns with your circumstances.

Please carefully read each of the 3 tiers before making your purchase.
Enrolling at your correct tier ensures that we can continue to provide accessible pricing to those who need it most, and that the folks who help bring these resources and trainings to life are paid fairly.

Thank you for helping us in our mission! 💖

Accessible Pricing Options

  • I am comfortably able to meet my basic needs.

    I own a home or pay rent on a nice place. I own or lease a car. I am employed/self-employed. I have expendable income and can buy things when I need them.

    Tier 3 Price: $145

  • I am able to meet my basic needs. I have comfortable housing and reliable transportation. I have some expendable income. If I needed it, I could get financial assistance from family/friends.

    Tier 2 price: $65

  • I may stress about meeting basic needs and don’t always achieve them. I’m employed/self-employed, but struggle to make ends meet. I have limited or no expendable income. I have minimal financial assistance from family/friends.

    Tier 1 Price: $35


  • Due to the digital nature of the training and the resources included, this is non-refundable

  • Email