Self-Paced Online Courses

take control of
your journey.

Your go to learning center for all things job search, resume, interview and salary related.

Self Paced

Finish in a day, a week, or a month. These courses are designed to go at a pace that feels best for you. Take as long, or as little, as you need.


Every course comes with downloadable resources that are exclusive to the lesson. Each one was carefully crafted to fully support your job search journey.


These courses are perfect for those not ready to commit to some of my more personalized programs but still want detailed guidance on their journey.

what to expect.

These self-paced courses are packed full of useful information to guide you on your job search journey. They're perfect for those who are comfortable with job hunting but need a bit of extra help in certain areas. Whether you're great at interviewing but need help crafting a resume, or vice versa, these courses are designed for you to navigate at your own pace.

Here's a quick rundown of what you get:

  • Videos, templates, resources, and easy-to-follow transcripts

  • Learn at your own pace and pick the lessons you need most

  • You get the same information as my coaching programs

  • Lessons are short and sweet, so you're not stuck studying for hours

  • You decide how long you take to complete the course — a week, 6 months, it's up to you!

Just remember, these courses are all about self-learning. You're in control of your experience. If you follow all the steps in the program, you'll do great, just like my coaching clients. So why wait? Take control over your job search journey with our self-paced courses today!

job search foundation.

Sometimes the best way to figure out your path moving forward, is to take a look at the road you've traveled so far. In this self-paced course, we'll take it back to the basics, covering topics such us:

• Defining your career path
• Creating an impactful resume
• Building a sustainable and effective job search strategy

You'll walk away from this course with a better understanding of the direction you want to go, and the confidence to go for it!








Module 1:
Career Discovery

You'll be equipped with strategies for showcasing skills, addressing limited experience, and exploring your career options with intention.

Module 2:

In this module, we’ll talk about how to create standout resumes (that you won’t have to customize for every single application)..

Module 3:

This lesson focuses on optimizing your profile and leveraging LinkedIn effectively as a job search platform.

Module 4:
cover letters

We will cover effective ways to write a cover letter that will help you stand out without burning up all your time and energy.

Module 5:

This module offers guidance on determining your salary, job board usage, and managing your search time wisely.

interview with confidence
+ navigate offers.

Most people believe that interviews are a way for employers to see if you're a good fit for the company. What if I told you that it works both ways? In this self-paced course, we'll break down the interview processes piece by piece, covering topics like:

• Navigating interviews with more confidence and fewer nerves
• Gaining clarity on all that goes into an offer so you can negotiate with ease

You'll walk away from this course feeling more prepared to navigate the interview process and negotiating whatever offer you receive!








Module 1:
BEfore the interview

We'll cover the purpose of an interview, strategies for success, understanding common questions, best practices for interviewing, and compelling storytelling.

Module 2:
during the interview

We'll go over strategies for common questions, handling lack of experience, asking effective questions, staying comfortable, calming nerves. I'll also provide a preparation list.

Module 3:
after the interview

In this module, we'll cover topics like thank you notes, post-interview reflection, follow-up strategies, and how to handle rejection.

Module 4:
negotiating offers

You'll be equiped with strategies to assess job offers, negotiate terms, and communicate professionally, helping you secure a deal that aligns with your career goals.